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Ditch the Razor for the Laser!

We founded our business with one goal in mind - to make aesthetic treatments effective, safe and affordable for every woman and man. Our Laser Hair Removal Clinic offers a modern, clinical and private setting for all your needs. All our treatments and products are medically approved, and our specialists strive to understand and exceed our patients’ expectations. Ready to embark on a beautiful journey with us?

A consultation is recommended 48 hours before appointment. During the consultation, the medical aesthetician will examine the patient’s skin and specific areas of concern. The purpose of the consultation is to determine whether or not the patient is a good candidate for the treatment, or they would be better suited for an alternative rejuvenation treatment. Once it is verified that the patient is an ideal candidate, the practitioner will then design a personalized treatment plan specific to meet the patient’s individual needs. The exact amount of recommended treatments to obtain optimal results will be advised during the consultation. The provider will go over any preparatory treatment care plans as well as advise the patient on what to expect the day of treatment. 

The most common forms of hair removal include waxing, shaving and tweezing. However, upkeep using these methods can be time consuming, painful and require frequent maintenance. Laser hair removal is widely-known as a safe and effective technique to permanently remove hair. After a variety of innovative lasers have surfaced in the beauty industry, but the GentleMax Pro laser has proven to be one of the most successful at achieving desired results on the majority of skin types. Some lasers don’t work on different skin types, but this one is exceptional as it works on all skin types. GentleMax Pro is an innovative technology that ensures a fast and gentle treatment with minimal discomfort.

To achieve the best results, make sure you take the right steps to prepare for the treatment. Ensure that you stay away from sunlight to avoid possible hyperpigmentation in the area being treated. For this reason, many clients choose to begin the process in the fall. Shave the area so that the laser has a better chance to successfully target the hair follicle below the skin. Avoid waxing, tweezing or plucking prior to the treatment – these techniques will take away from the effectiveness of the laser. If there’s a specific event you want this done for, try scheduling your first session at least 10 months earlier. Be sure to purchase sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher so you can be ready post-treatment. 


Post-treatment, stay away from the sun for approximately 1-2 weeks. The only side effects that you may experience are warm skin, with slight irritation and sensitivity. Avoid other procedures such as microdermabrasion or exfoliation and stay away from harsh skin products. Approximately 4-6 weeks after the first treatment, you should expect some hair growth. During this time, shave the hair and remember to avoid any other method of hair removal.

The amount of treatments varies depending on the client’s hair and the area of the skin being treated. Generally, 6-8 sessions are necessary and will take place approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Typically, the results will be permanent. However, depending on the hair colour and its density, you may want to consider completing an annual session to keep-up with potential re-growth.


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