Small, dilated blood vessels visible near the skin surface, also known as spider veins for their web-like appearance. Commonly found on the face – mainly on the nose, chin and around the cheeks.
Acquired lesions may occur spontaneously, or may be caused by trauma, ultraviolet exposure, extreme elements or environmental factors. Telangiectasia can also develop in lower extremities – women are affected more often as a potential response to hormonal changes, pregnancy, birth, menopause or genetics.
With age comes wisdom and experience which are great, unfortunately spider veins, vascular lesions and varicose veins are also a sign of age. Candela GentleMax Pro can target and eliminate veins and vascular lesions resulting in more youthful, bright and radiant skin. Candela GentleMax Pro is safe for men and women and can be used on the face and legs to rid you of unwanted veins.
How does it work?
Whether it’s a spider vein on your nose or a varicose vein on your leg, Candela GentleMax Pro uses laser technology to deliver targeted laser energy into the vein/vascular lesion permanently destroying it.
The GentleMax Pro is non-invasive and completely safe for surrounding skin and tissue because it incorporates a unique cooling technology designed to protect the outer skin from overheating, or laser burn.
Treatment Protocol:
Most patients require as little as *1-4 treatments to see the full result, and sessions take approximately *15-30 minutes. Once the treatment is complete, patients experience temporary darkening and a “cat scratch” like appearance of the vein(s), with fading *3 days – a week post treatment.